
Post marked as solved
7 Replies
Thanks DMG, I was also struggling with this issue using Core Data and also tried various things incl. the @ObservedObject way ... which as you've mentioned results in a crash when deleting the MO. Creating a separate "ViewModel"-Struct solved that issue and seems like a reasonable solution.
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You store the time zone's name (e.g. America/Los_Angeles) in a separate Core Data attribute like "timeZoneName" in your model. Storing the time zone information: yourModel.timeZoneName = From that stored name you can create the appropriate time zone object: let timeZone = TimeZone(identifier: yourModel.timeZoneName)
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I'm also getting thhe "You don't have permission to save ..." when I try to "rename" a document within my apps iCloud folder. I'm using the newFileURL, for: .forOverwriting) { which works fine as long as I'm in the local app's Documents folder.Any hints how to solve that issue for the apps iCloud folder?